15 Oct 2013 Owners Corporation Manager Vs Property Manager: whats the difference?
What is the difference between a Property Manager and an Owners Corporation Manager? A lot more than most people realise....
Iconic Strata Management PO Box 2623 Ringwood North, VIC 3134 AUSTRALIA
What is the difference between a Property Manager and an Owners Corporation Manager? A lot more than most people realise....
Is an Owners Corporation the same thing as a Body Corporate?Yes, in Victoria Body Corporates were renamed to Owners Corporations approximately 8 years ago.What is a strata scheme?A strata scheme...
The following article is taken from today's The Age newspaper and is a must read for any Melbournian concerned with the shape of...
Neighbours could lose the right of appeal against permits for multistorey apartment towers as part of the state government's push for more affordable...
Is this the new miracle material for the future?Just under ten years ago, the Dutch-British physicist Andre Geim stumbled across a substance that would revolutionize the way we understand matter...
Could this possibly be correct?The generation that brought us grunge and ripped jeans is also the generation who works the hardest in the workplace. Or at least, that’s what the...
The construction industry has received a much-needed boost, with the latest results of a new survey showing the market is at its best point since 2010, over three years. The update...
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